- Sunil Sir's Academy
- Education, Edutech, Teaching
- 5500 USD
Sunil Sir Academy
Sunil Sir in collaboration with Sankalp provides education services to the students and tutors using the modern technology through Edutech mobile application.
p>The purpose of developing this platform was to provide a user-friendly elearning mobile application which provides functionalities like Online classes, Quiz, Subject-wise and more.
It is developed using the latest technology platform and advanced features to address the needs of the users.
Students : The students can easliy access online classes, study material, exams and results.
Tutors: The tutors can upload study material, exam questions, quiz and view results.
Admin: An admin has modules to manage the students, tutors, subjects, plans and formats.
Staff: Additional modules for staff members to manage their tasks according to their roles
‘’It helps our students and tutors with ease.’’
Sunil Sharma
Managing Director
‘’I am able to manage all my subjects and exams at my fingertips’’
Ashwin Gami
Web Development
‘’Tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna alias quat enim veniam quis nostru exercitation ullamco laboris nis aliquip.’’
Brian Rogers
UX/UI Design